Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My kids at Christmas.

I can't believe that Christmas is already over. My kids keep asking me when Santa is coming again. They had so much fun. A couple of days before Christmas Jared told me that Santa couldn't come because we didn't have a fireplace. I had to explain to him that Santa has a special key that lets him in our house. He's starting to get to smart for his own good. Shawn fixed our computer for us. It is so nice to finally have it back. We are actually going up to my mom and dad's for New Years this year. It will be fun. Meagan, here are some pics of Kaleigh's hair cut. The other pics are of Christmas Eve and Kaleigh trying to put on a pair of the boys underware.


Kristanne said...

I am glad your computer is working. See ya tonight. Kaleighs dress is cute.

meagan said...

wow, they look so grown up- it's crazy how fast they change. her little hair cute is pretty darling, but it does make her look grown up. have a great new year!